- URL:https://<notebookserveradmin>/createNewSite
- Required Capability:Administrator
- Version Introduced:10.7
The createNewSite operation is the first operation that you must invoke when you install ArcGIS Notebook Server for the first time. You can only run this operation when the machine is not participating in a site.
Creating a site involves the following tasks:
- Allocate a store to save the site configuration.
- Configure the ArcGIS Notebook Server content and log directories.
- Create the primary site administrator user.
It takes only a few seconds to create a site. Once a site has been created, you can register ArcGIS Web Adaptor and federate the server with your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
Included in the request to this operation are JSON objects describing the file paths for the site configuration store and server directories.
For Windows systems, to join additional ArcGIS Notebook Server machines to the site, the SYSTEM and OUTPUT server directories must be on shared drives, and the WORKSPACE directory must be local to each machine. For more information, see Join additional machines to an ArcGIS Notebook Server site.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
username | The name of the primary administrator account to be used by the site. This can be changed at a later time. |
password | The credentials for the primary administrator account. |
configStoreConnection | A JSON object representing the connection to the configuration store. By default, the configuration store is maintained in the installation directory. Nota:In versions earlier than 10.8, this parameter required the ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_KEY (Amazon stores) and AccountName and AccountKey (Azure store) properties. However, at 10.8, these properties are replaced with username and password for both store types. This change supports storage for encrypted passwords in the configstore. When upgrading to 10.8 from 10.7 or 10.7.1, the connection string will be upgraded to reflect this change. New sites created at 10.8 and later must use the new properties. |
directories | A JSON object representing the collection of server directories to create. By default, these directories are created locally. |
logsSettings | Optional log settings. A JSON object representing the log settings for the newly created site. Syntax:
runAsync | Nota:Asynchronous execution is not currently supported with this operation. If this parameter is set to true, an error will be returned and the operation will fail. A flag that indicates whether the operation must be run asynchronously. Values: true | false |
f | The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json | pjson |
Example usage
The following is an example usage of createNewSite on a Windows machine:
configStoreConnection= {
"connectionString": "\\myshare\arcgis\notebookserver\usr\config-store",
"configPersistenceType": "FILESYSTEM",
"className": "com.esri.arcgis.carbon.persistence.impl.filesystem.FSConfigPersistence"
The following is an example usage of createNewSite on a Linux machine:
configStoreConnection= {
"connectionString": "/myshare/arcgis/notebookserver/usr/config-store",
"configPersistenceType": "FILESYSTEM",
"className": "com.esri.arcgis.carbon.persistence.impl.filesystem.FSConfigPersistence"
The following is an example of a configStoreConnection JSON object for an Amazon store (with pre-10.8 values):
configStoreConnection= {
The following is an example of a configStoreConnection JSON object for an Amazon store:
configStoreConnection= {
The following is an example of a configStoreConnection JSON object for an Azure store (with pre-10.8 values):
configStoreConnection= {
The following is an example of a configStoreConnection JSON object for an Azure store:
configStoreConnection= {
"configPersistenceType": "AZURE",
"connectionString": "NAMESPACE=testnamespace;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net;DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https",
"className": "com.esri.arcgis.carbon.persistence.impl.azure.AzureConfigPersistence"
The following is an example of a configStoreConnection JSON object for an Azure Service Principal:
"connectionString": "NAMESPACE=testNameSpace;AccountName=myStorageAccount;CredentialType=ServicePrincipal;TenantId=tenantId;ClientId=clientId",
"connectionSecret": "Client Secret",
"type": "AZURE"
The following is an example of a configStoreConnection JSON object for and Azure user-assigned managed identity. This is only supported when the Notebook Server is installed on an Azure VM:
"configPersistenceType": "AZURE",
"connectionString": "NAMESPACE=<managedIdentityNameSpace>;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net;DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;CredentialType=UserAssignedIdentity;ManagedIdentityClientId=<ManagedIdentityClientiD>",
"username": "<Name of the storage account>",
"password": "",
"className": "com.esri.arcgis.carbon.persistence.impl.azure.AzureConfigPersistence"
The following is an example of a configStoreConnection JSON object for an Azure Shared Access Signature (SAS) token:
"configPersistenceType": "AZURE",
"connectionString": "NAMESPACE=<namespace>;AccountName=<Name of the storage account>;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net;DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;CredentialType=SASToken;SASToken=<SASToken>",
"className": "com.esri.arcgis.carbon.persistence.impl.azure.AzureConfigPersistence"
JSON Response syntax
JSON Response example