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Compute Platform health check


The health check returns information for each machine that participates in the Compute Platform service, and details the workers. This service applies to servers licensed and configured as ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server. Worker information is only applicable to the machine currently assigned as the primary; other machines will be listed as STANDBY.

Request parameters


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Example usage

Below is a sample request URL for health:

JSON Response example


At 10.7, this operation returns the date and time of the last heartbeat in string format (lastheartbeatString) and the host name (hostname).

    "url": "spark://MACHINE.DOMAIN.COM:7077",
    "workers": [],
    "aliveworkers": 0,
    "cores": 0,
    "coresused": 0,
    "memory": 0,
    "memoryused": 0,
    "resources": [{}],
    "resourcesused": [{}],
    "activeapps": [],
    "completedapps": [],
    "activedrivers": [],
    "completeddrivers": [],
    "status": "STANDBY"
    "url": "spark://MACHINE.DOMAIN.COM:7077",
    "workers": [
        "id": "worker-20171006141522-10.XX.8.XXX-56543",
        "host": "10.XX.8.XXX",
        "port": 56543,
        "cores": 3,
        "coresused": 0,
        "coresfree": 3,
        "memory": 12288,
        "memoryused": 0,
        "memoryfree": 12288,
        "resources": {},
        "resourcesused": {},
        "resourcesfree": {},
        "state": "ALIVE",
        "lastheartbeat": 1507326173412
        "lastheartbeatString": "2017-10-06T09:42:53,412",
        "hostname": "MACHINE.DOMAIN.COM"
        "id": "worker-20171006141114-10.XX.8.XXX-56541",
        "host": "10.XX.8.XXX",
        "port": 56541,
        "cores": 3,
        "coresused": 0,
        "coresfree": 3,
        "memory": 12288,
        "memoryused": 0,
        "memoryfree": 12288,
        "resources": {},
        "resourcesused": {},
        "resourcesfree": {},
        "state": "ALIVE",
        "lastheartbeat": 1507326180443
        "lastheartbeatString": "2017-10-06T09:43:00,443",
        "hostname": "MACHINE.DOMAIN.COM"
        "id": "worker-20171006143849-10.XX.8.XXX-56543",
        "host": "10.XX.8.XXX",
        "port": 56543,
        "cores": 3,
        "coresused": 0,
        "coresfree": 3,
        "memory": 12288,
        "memoryused": 0,
        "memoryfree": 12288,
        "resources": {},
        "resourcesused": {},
        "resourcesfree": {},
        "state": "DEAD",
        "lastheartbeat": 1507326140982
        "lastheartbeatString": "2017-10-06T09:42:20,982",
        "hostname": "MACHINE.DOMAIN.COM"
    "cores": 6,
    "coresused": 0,
    "memory": 24576,
    "memoryused": 0,
    "activeapps": [],
    "completedapps": [],
    "activedrivers": [],
    "completeddrivers": [],
    "status": "ALIVE" 
  "status": "success"

When Spark is down on all machines:

  "status": "success"