- URL:https://<kml-url>/createKmz(POST only)
- Required Capability:Default administrator role | All authorized privileges
- Version Introduced:10.1
This operation creates a new KMZ file from the input KML file uploaded to the server. The created KMZ file is available in the server system directory in the uploads folder.
For more information on what KML functionality is supported with ArcGIS Enterprise, see KML support in ArcGIS Server and KML.
Request parameters
Parameter | Description |
kml | The KML file in JSON format. |
f | The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
Example usage
Below is a sample POST request for createKmz, formatted for readability:
POST /webadaptor/admin/kml/createKmz HTTP/1.1
Host: machine.domain.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: []
"kml": "https://earth.google.com/kml/2.2",
"NetworkLink": {
"name": "kmzdoc2",
"flyToView": 0,
"visibility": 0,
"description": "KML Document",
"open": 1,
"LookAt": {
"longitude": 16.937705993652344,
"latitude": 1.2083547307380726,
"altitude": 0,
"range": 8716076.470664795,
"tilt": 0,
"heading": 0,
"altitudeMode": "relativeToGround"
"Link": {
"href": "https://obie:8399/arcgis/services/Africa/MapServer/KmlServer?Composite=true&compatabilityMode=GoogleEarth",
"refreshMode": "onChange",
"refreshInterval": 4,
"viewRefreshMode": "onStop",
"viewBoundsScale": 1,
"viewRefreshTime": 2,
"viewFormat": "BBOX=[bboxWest],[bboxSouth],[bboxEast],[bboxNorth];CAMERA=[lookatLon],[lookatLat],[lookatRange],[lookatTilt],[lookatHeading];VIEW=[horizFov],[vertFov],[horizPixels],[vertPixels],[terrainEnabled]"
JSON Response example
{"status": "success"}