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Data item


An individual data item resource returns information for specific data registered with the server. The set of data items registered with the server comprises the server's data store.

A data item contains all the information required by the server to connect to a folder or database while serving out one or more GIS services. Data items are extensively used while publishing GIS services to the server, as they inform the publishing client (such as ArcGIS Pro) whether the data needs to be explicitly copied to the server or whether it can be referred from the server. The server supports the following types of data items:

  • Enterprise databases—Each of these data items represents an enterprise database that can contain an Esri geodatabase.
  • Big data file shares—Big data file share data items are network-accessible file system folders, Apache Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) or Apache Hive stores, or cloud stores that contain one or more datasets. Big data file share items are the inputs to analysis using GeoAnalytics Server.
  • Cloud stores—Cloud store data items represent a connection to an Amazon or Microsoft Azure store.
  • Raster stores—These are network-accessible file system folders or cloud stores that are output stores for raster analysis.
  • File shares—File share data items are network-accessible file system folders that contain one or more datasets.

The server supports a hierarchical view of data items that is not often used. Most file shares are registered under /fileShares and enterprise databases are registered under /enterpriseDatabases.

Request parameters



When included as part of the request URL (true) for a specific data item, encrypted connection information (denoted by a {crypt} prefix) will be decrypted.


Decrypted connection string information will only be returned for requests made over an HTTPS connection.

Values: true | false


The response format. The default format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

Response properties


A unique identifier for each data item when it's registered with the server.


Specifies the type of the data item.

Values: folder | egdb | bigDataFileShare | cloudstore | rasterStore


The client path for replicated folders.


A JSON object containing the connection string or file system path to the data item:

  • path—The file system path to the data item.
  • clientConnectionString—The connection string for the client to connect to a shared enterprise database.
  • connectionString—The connection string for ArcGIS Server to connect to an enterprise database.
  • dataStoreConnectionType—Indicates to the server whether the data item is shared, replicated, or server only.
  • isManaged—Set to true if dataStoreConnectionType is set to server, indicating that the data store is managed by ArcGIS Server. Otherwise, isManaged is set to false by default.

Example usage

The following is a sample request URL used to access an individual data item resource, demonstrating a data item URL for a big data file share:

JSON Response syntax

The following is a sample JSON response for a data item. The exact JSON response returned from a data item resource depends on the type of data item being inspected.

  "path": "<unique path on the server>",
  "type": "<folder|egdb|bigDataFileShare|cloudstore|rasterStore>", 
  "clientPath": "<client paths for replicated folders>",
  "info": {
    "path": "<path to the folder>",
    "clientConnectionString": "<connection string for client to connect to shared enterprise database>",
    "connectionString": "<connection string for server to connect to enterprise database>",
    "dataStoreConnectionType": "<shared|replicated|serverOnly>",
    "isManaged": <true|false>

JSON Response example

The sections below demonstrate the format of various data items supported by ArcGIS Server.

Enterprise database

The example response below demonstrates a data item in which the publisher and ArcGIS Server are using different databases:

  "path": "/enterpriseDatabases/egdb_replicated",
  "type": "egdb",
  "id": "bca5e5cb-1bdb-4e22-878d-583a9c29a3a5",
  "provider": "ArcGIS Data Store",
  "totalRefCount": 0,
  "info": {
    "isManaged": false,
    "connectionString": "ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD_UTF8=00022e684b754f4f38634b4f7a613951525a61737933442b77673d3d2a00;ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD=00022e6879685a4a542b6f64422f2f75416c44584a6a2f4341773d3d2a00;SERVER=aspen;INSTANCE=sde:postgresql:aspen;DBCLIENT=postgresql;DB_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES=aspen;DATABASE=pglakehume;USER=sde;VERSION=sde.DEFAULT;AUTHENTICATION_MODE=DBMS",
    "dataStoreConnectionType": "replicated",

Big data file shares

The example response below demonstrates a data item with the fileShare connection type and two output templates:

  "path": "/bigDataFileShares/myFileShare",
  "type": "bigDataFileShare",
  "id": "3f9b26d5-588a-499f-b8e6-f05c06fc3e74",
  "info": {
    "connectionString": "{\"path\":\"\\\\\\\\myFileShare\\\\data\\\\geoanalytics\"}",
    "connectionType": "fileShare",
    "outputTemplates": [
        "name": "parquet_default",
        "title": "A generic parquet output",
        "format": {
          "type": "parquet"
        "name": "shp_format",
        "title": "Shapefile with time",
        "format": {
          "type": "shapefile"
        "time": {
          "timeReference": {
            "timeZone": "UTC"
          "encodings": [
              "types": ["interval"],
              "fields": [
                  "name": "time_start",
                  "formats": ["epoch_millis"],
                  "role": "start"
                  "name": "time_end",
                  "formats": ["epoch_millis"],
                  "role": "end"
              "types": ["instant"],
              "fields": [
                  "name": "instant_time",
                  "formats": ["epoch_millis"]

Cloud store

The example response below demonstrates a Microsoft Azure cloud store data item:

  "path": "/cloudStores/test-blob",
  "type": "cloudStore",
  "id": "76775886-475c-4dce-804e-f2a4d1b0f8c4",
  "provider": "azure",
  "info": {
    "isManaged": false,
    "connectionString": "{\"accountKey\":\"<myAccountKey>\",\"accountName\":\"<myAccountName>\",\"defaultEndpointsProtocol\":\"https\",\"accountEndpoint\":\"\",\"credentialType\":\"<myAccessKey>\"}",
    "objectStore": "blobtestContainer/Data"

Raster store

The example response below demonstrates a raster store item with a dataStore connection type:

  "path": "/rasterStores/rasterStoreAzure",
  "type": "rasterStore",
  "id": "289c689d-6905-4efd-a7ca-82d6fbb7b1ed",
  "info": {
    "connectionString": "{\"path\":\"/cloudStores/AzureTest\"}",
    "connectionType": "dataStore"

File shares

The example response below demonstrates a data item in which the folder for the publisher and ArcGIS Server use the same shared path:

  "path": "/fileShares/dlsDataStore_shared",
  "type": "folder",
  "id": "469b09033859489a9506871215d6505a",
  "info": {
    "isManaged": false,
    "dataStoreConnectionType": "shared",
    "path": "\\\\machine\\dlsDataStore",
    "portalProperties": {"itemID": "469b09033859489a9506871215d6505a"}