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Appendix - Diagram Information object (Network Diagram service)


This topic discusses the JSON Diagram Information object as returned by the REST API.

A Diagram Information object provides the following parameters:

  • tag—The diagram tags. (String)
  • isStored—The diagram is stored, True, or temporary, False. (Boolean)
  • canStore—The diagram can be stored, True, or cannot be stored, False. (Boolean)
  • canExtend—The diagram can be extended one feature level by connectivity, traversability, containment, and attachment, True, or cannot, False. (Boolean)
  • isSystem—The diagram is a subnetwork system diagram, True, or is not, False. (Boolean)
  • creator—The diagram creator. (String)
  • creationDate—The diagram creation date. (Date)
  • lastUpdateBy—The name of the last user who updated the diagram. (String)
  • lastUpdateDate—The diagram's last update date. (String)
  • containerMargin—The diagram container margin. (Double)
  • junctionCount—The number of diagram junctions. (Long)
  • edgeCount—The number of diagram edges. (Long)
  • containerCount—The number of diagram containers. (Long)
  • aggregationCount—The number of diagram aggregations. (Long)
  • isHistorical—The diagram was created at a past moment True or not False. (Boolean)
  • access—The diagram access right level: esriDiagramPublicAccess | esriDiagramProtectedAccess | esriDiagramPrivateAccess. (String)
  • diagramExtent—The extent of the diagram. (Envelope)
  • networkExtent—The extent of the set of utility network features that compose the diagram. (Envelope)
  • name—The diagram name. (String)
  • id—The diagram GUID. (String)
  • template—The name of the template on which the diagram is based. (String)
  • consistencyState—The diagram consistency state: esriDiagramIsConsistent | esriDiagramNotConsistentWithTopology | esriDiagramHasDirtyFeatures. (String)


The consistencyState parameter is only returned by the findDiagramInfos operation.


The canStore and canExtend parameters are not supported on network diagrams prior to ArcGIS 10.6.1.

JSON syntax

"diagramInfo": {
 "tag": "<diagUserTag>",
 "isStored": < true | false >,
 "canStore" : < true | false >,
 "canExtend" : < true | false >,
 "isSystem": < true | false >,
 "creator": "< diagCreator >",
 "creationDate": < diagCreationDate >,
 "lastUpdateBy": "< diagLastUpdater >",
 "lastUpdateDate": < lastUpdateDate >,
 "containerMargin": < diagContainerMargin >,
 "junctionCount": < nbDiagJct >,
 "edgeCount": < nbDiagEdge >,
 "containerCount": < nbDiagCont >,
 "aggregationCount": < nbDiagAgg >,
 "isHistorical": < true | false >,
 "access": < "esriDiagramPublicAccess" | "esriDiagramProtectedAccess" | "esriDiagramPrivateAccess" >,
 "diagramExtent": < envelope >,
 "networkExtent": < envelope >
 "name": "< diagName >",
 "id": "< diagGUID >",
 "template": "< templateName >",
 "consistencyState": < "esriDiagramIsConsistent" | "esriDiagramNotConsistentWithTopology" | "esriDiagramHasDirtyFeatures" >

JSON example

  "tag": "",
  "isStored": true,
  "canStore" : true,
  "canExtend" : false,
  "isSystem": false,
  "creator": "acb7352",
  "creationDate": 1505219137000,
  "lastUpdateBy": "acb7352",
  "lastUpdateDate": 1505219137000,
  "containerMargin": 0.5,
  "junctionCount": 11,
  "edgeCount": 10,
  "containerCount": 1,
  "aggregationCount": 0,
  "isHistorical": false,
  "access": "esriDiagramPublicAccess",
  "diagramExtent": {
   "xmin": 6807591.7656002343,
   "ymin": 1847967.7367558032,
   "xmax": 6808661.8976463079,
   "ymax": 1848650.1848659664,
   "spatialReference": {
    "wkid": 3498,
    "latestWkid": 3498
  "networkExtent": {
   "xmin": 6807591.7656002343,
   "ymin": 1847967.7367558032,
   "xmax": 6808661.8976463079,
   "ymax": 1848650.1848659664,
   "spatialReference": {
    "wkid": 3498,
    "latestWkid": 3498
  "name": "DiagramTest1",
  "id": "{033B675B-0DFF-4E82-85BC-85DD1235D42C}",
  "template": "Basic",
  "consistencyState": "esriDiagramHasDirtyFeatures"