- URL: https://<catalog-url>/<serviceName>
MapServer/exts/MaritimeChartService/MapServer/ identifyDatasets
- Required Capability:Maritime Chart Service
- Version Introduced:10.9
The use of this resource requires an ArcGIS GIS Server Standard or Advanced license and an ArcGIS Maritime server extension license.
The identifyDatasets operation is similar to identify (Map Service) but instead of only returning what is visible, it returns all datasets that meet the request.
Request parameters
All parameters are based on REST protocol.
Parameter | Details |
userid (Optional) | This is a required parameter when Entitlements is enabled. Syntax
mapExtent (Required) | The extent or bounding box of the map currently being viewed. Unless the insr parameter has been specified, the map extent is assumed to be in the spatial reference of the map. The mapExtent and imageDisplay parameters are used by the server to determine the layers visible in the current extent. They are also used to calculate the distance on the map to search based on the tolerance in screen pixels. Nota:This parameter will be ignored if geometry and geomteryType are used. Syntax
insr (Optional) | The spatial reference of the input geometry. The spatial reference can be specified as either a well-known ID or as a spatial reference JSON object. If the insr is not specified, the geometry is assumed to be in the spatial reference of the map. Syntax
All values in the crs.xml are supported. This file is stored at <ArcGIS Maritime server installation location>\MaritimeServer\<version number>\maritimechartservice\controlfiles\crs.xml. |
imageDisplay (Optional) | The screen image display parameters (width, height, and DPI) of the active map. The mapExtent and the imageDisplay parameters are used by the server to determine the layers visible in the current extent. They are also used to calculate the distance on the map to search based on the tolerance in screen pixels. The default image display is 400, 400, 96. Syntax
outsr (Optional) | The spatial reference of the returned geometry. The spatial reference can be specified as a well-known ID or as a spatial reference JSON object. If outsr is not specified, the geometry is returned in the spatial reference of the map. Syntax
All values in the crs.xml file are supported. This file is stored at <installation location>\MaritimeServer\<version number>\maritimechartservice\controlfiles\crs.xml. |
returnGeometry (Optional) | If true, the result set will include the geometries associated with each result. The default is true. Values: true | false |
geometryType (Optional) | The type of geometry specified by the geometry parameter. The geometry type can be an envelope, point, line, or polygon. Values: esriGeometryPoint | esriGeomteryPolyLine | esriGeomteryPolygon | esriGeometryEnvelope |
geometry (Optional) | The geometry to apply as the spatial filter. The structure of the geometry is the same as the structure of the JSON geometry objects returned by the API REST de ArcGIS. In addition to the JSON structures for envelopes and points, you can specify the geometry with a comma-separated syntax. Syntax
full (Optional) | If false, the result set will include a limited set of attributes associated with each result. This is the default. If true, the result will include all attributes associated with each result. The following is the subset of attributes returned when set to false: visible dsid: description dsid: dsnm: description dspm:cscl:value dspm: cscl: description Values: true | false |
outfields (Optional) | The list of fields to be included in the returned result set. This list is a comma-delimited list of field names. If used, this will override the full parameter equals true and only return the fields list in the outfields parameter. If the full parameter equals false, this parameter will be ignored. Syntax
Nota:The visible field will always be returned. |
forceCharts (Optional) | This will override the default draw order and display the datasets in the order presented when they are within visible range based on their display scale. You can specify one or more datasets. The first dataset in the list is given the highest priority and will draw on top of the rest. Syntax
Response properties
Property | Details |
format (f) | Specifies the response format. The default response format is html. Values: json | html Syntax: f=json |
Some browsers have a limit to the number of html-formatted responses. There is no limit with JSON.
Example usage
Example 1
The following is an example of the identifyDatasets operation using a map extent, input spatial reference (insr) of 102100, output spatial reference (outsr) of 4326, and full=true to return all fields. Default values are used for the rest of the parameters. The response is in PJSON format.
Example 2
The following is an example of the identifyDatasets operation using a map extent, input spatial reference of 102100, output spatial reference of 4326, and returnGeometry=false. Default values are used for the rest of the parameters. The response is in PJSON format.
JSON Response syntax example 1
The following is the syntax of a response for example 1, where full=true:
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": <outsrValue>
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", //only returns esriGeomteryPolygon
"charts": [
"visible": <value>,
"dsid": {
"description": "<dsidDescription>",
"expp": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"intu": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"dsnm": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"edtn": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"updn": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description" "<subfieldDescription>"
"isdt": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"sted": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"uadt": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"prsp": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"psdn": {
"value": "",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"pred": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"prof": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"agen": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>"
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"comt": {
"value": "",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"dssi": {
"description": "<subfieldDescription>",
"dstr": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"aall": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"nall": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"nomr": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"nocr": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"nogr": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"nolr": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"noin": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"nocn": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"noed": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"nofa": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>",
"dpsm": {
"description": "<subfieldDescription>",
"hdat": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"vdat": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"sdat": {
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"cscl": {
"value" <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>"
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>"
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>"
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"mappedValue": "<valueDescription>"
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"value": <subfieldValue>,
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"value": "",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"permit expiration date": { //Only appears for S-63 datasets
"value": "subfieldValue>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
"geometry": {<geometry>} //only when returnGeometry=true (default)
JSON Reponse syntax example 2
The following is the syntax of a response for example 2, where full=false and returnGeometry=false.
"charts": [
"visible": <value>,
"dsid": {
"description": "<dsidDescription>",
"dsnm": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description": "< subfieldDescription >"
"dspm": {
"description": "<dspmDescription>",
"cscl": {
"value": "<subfieldValue>",
"description": "<subfieldDescription>"
JSON Response example 1
The following is an example of a response for example 1, where full=true.
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 4326
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon",
"charts": [
"visible": false,
"dsid": {
"description": "Data Set Identification field",
"expp": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "New",
"description": "Exchange purpose"
"intu": {
"value": 5,
"mappedValue": "Harbour",
"description": "Intended usage"
"dsnm": {
"value": "GB5X01NE.000",
"description": "Data set name"
"edtn": {
"value": "2",
"description": "Edition number"
"updn": {
"value": "0",
"description": "Update number"
"isdt": {
"value": "20070713",
"description": "Issue date"
"sted": {
"value": "03.1",
"description": "Edition number of S-57"
"uadt": {
"value": "20070713",
"description": "Update application date"
"prsp": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "ENC",
"description": "Product specification"
"psdn": {
"value": "",
"description": "Product specification description"
"pred": {
"value": "2.0",
"description": "Product specification edition number"
"prof": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "EN - ENC new",
"description": "Application profile identification"
"agen": {
"value": 540,
"mappedValue": "GB",
"description": "Producing agency"
"comt": {
"value": "",
"description": "Comment"
"dssi": {
"description": "Data Set Structure Information field",
"dstr": {
"value": 2,
"mappedValue": "chain node",
"description": "Data structure"
"aall": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "level 1",
"description": "ATTF lexical level"
"nall": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "level 1",
"description": "NATF lexical level"
"nomr": {
"value": 6,
"description": "Number of meta records"
"nocr": {
"value": 0,
"description": "Number of cartographic records"
"nogr": {
"value": 292,
"description": "Number of geo records"
"nolr": {
"value": 2,
"description": "Number of collection records"
"noin": {
"value": 66,
"description": "Number of isolated node records"
"nocn": {
"value": 305,
"description": "Number of connected node records"
"noed": {
"value": 403,
"description": "Number of edge records"
"nofa": {
"value": 0,
"description": "Number of face records"
"dspm": {
"description": "Data Set Parameter field",
"hdat": {
"value": 2,
"mappedValue": "WGS 84",
"description": "Horizontal geodetic datum"
"vdat": {
"value": 17,
"mappedValue": "Mean high water springs",
"description": "Vertical datum"
"sdat": {
"value": 23,
"mappedValue": "Lowest astronomical tide",
"description": "Sounding datum"
"cscl": {
"value": 22000,
"description": "Compilation scale of data"
"duni": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "meters",
"description": "Units of depth measurement"
"huni": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "meters",
"description": "Units of height measurement"
"puni": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "meters",
"description": "Units of positional accuracy"
"coun": {
"value": 1,
"mappedValue": "LL - Latitude/Longitude",
"description": "Coordinate units"
"comf": {
"value": 10000000,
"description": "Coordinate multiplication factor"
"somf": {
"value": 10,
"description": "3-D sounding multiplication factor"
"comt": {
"value": "",
"description": "Comment"
"geometry": {
"rings": [
JSON Response example 2
The following is an example of a response for example 2, where full=false and returnGeometry=false.{
"charts": [
"visible": false,
"dsid": {
"description": "Data Set Identification field",
"dsnm": {
"value": "GB5X01NE.000",
"description": "Data set name"
"dspm": {
"description": "Data Set Parameter field",
"cscl": {
"value": 22000,
"description": "Compilation scale of data"
JSON error response syntax example
This example shows error response syntax:{
"error": {
"code": <value>,
"message": "<errorMessage>",
"details": [
JSON error response example
This example response shows error results:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Bad Request",
"details": [
"mapExtent must be specified"