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Image Service


An image service provides access to raster data through a web service. Multiple rasters can be served as one image service through mosaic dataset technology, dynamically processed and mosaicked on the fly. An image service supports accessing the mosaicked image, its catalog, and the individual rasters in the catalog.

An image service supports dynamic access and tiled access. Dynamic access provides more functionality, and tiled access provides faster and more scalable access to precooked tiles. There are two types of tiles: map tiles and elevation tiles. Map tiles (introduced at 10.1) represent rendered map images, typically in JPEG or PNG format. Elevation tiles (introduced at 10.3) represent elevation data and are stored as Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) tiles.

The API REST de ArcGIS ImageServer resource root information represents an image service published with ArcGIS Server. The resource provides basic information associated with the image service, such as the service description, its name, its extent, pixel sizes, and band counts.


A new property meanPixelSize was added that returns the value of mean pixel size, the unit is converted in "meters." It is calculated from the pixel size X, pixel size Y, and unit of the spatial reference.

A new property inspectionCapabilities was added that indicates if the image service supports inspection ("Nadir, Oblique"), supports inspection with depth map ("Nadir, Oblique, Hero"), or not at all (""). Image service inspection operations include: Find (Image Service), Get Image Url, Image to Map, Image to Map Multiray, Map to Image, and Measure from Image.


A new property, storageInfo, was added that specifies the storage format and packet size of cached map services.


The packetSize specifies the number of tiles stored in a bundle. The value for this property is 128 and should not be modified. This value indicates that each bundle covers 128-by-128 tiles. It is only applicable to compact and compactv2 storage formats.

Child operations

The ImageServer resource supports the following operations

  • Add Rasters—Add new rasters to the image service.
  • Compute Cache Info—Compute and generate new image tile cache schemes for the image service.
  • Calculate Volume—Compute a volumetric calculation on the elevation data.
  • Compute Class Statistics—Calculate sample classes’ pixel statistics of the image service for composing spectral signatures of defined classes
  • Compute Histograms—Calculate histograms of the image service at given geometry extent.
  • Compute Multidimensional Info—Construct a multidimensional info object for an image service of mosaic dataset based on its catalog table.
  • Compute Pixel Location—Calculate pixel location in columns and rows for an image based on input geometries.
  • Compute Statistics and Histograms—Calculate both statistics and histograms of the image service at given geometry extent.
  • Compute Tie Points—Get tie points that can be used to match the source image to the reference image of the image service.
  • Delete Rasters—Delete one or more rasters from the image service.
  • Download Rasters—Download source rasters in original or other formats with given geometry extent.
  • Export Image—Dynamically generate an image based on client-specified band selection, format, mosaic rule, and rendering rule, etc.
  • Export Tiles—Perform as an asynchronous task and allow client applications to download map tiles from the server for offline use.
  • Find (Image Service)—Finds all the image services that contain toGeometry and sorts them accordingly.
  • Get Samples—Get sample point locations, pixel values, and corresponding spatial resolutions of the image service source data for a given geometry.
  • Get Image Url—Get a list of urls after another image service operation such as Find (Image Service) is run.
  • Identify—Identify the content of an image service for given locations, given mosaic and rendering rules (for example, pixel values and raster visibilities).
  • Image to Map—Converts a geometry on image space to map space.
  • Image to Map Multiray—Computes as 3D geometry in a map from multiple image space geometries on multiple corresponding raster items of the same object.
  • Map to Image—Converts a geometry on a map space to an image space.
  • Measure—Measure height, distance, direction, area, and perimeter of the image service.
  • Measure from Image—Provides mensuration capability within one image space and returns the measurement result in map space unit.
  • Project—Project an array of input geometries from the input spatial reference to the output spatial reference.
  • Query Boundary—Calculate the boundary geometry and its area of coverage of the image service.
  • Query (GPS)—Queries generic camera information, camera GPS locations when taking an image, image center coordinates, and exterior orientation information of each source image inside the image collection.
  • Query (Image Service)—Query an image service resource by applying a specified filter.
  • Update Raster—Update a raster in an image service. (for example, attributes, footprints, or existing raster files).
  • Uploads—Upload raster files that can be used in add and update raster operations.
  • Validate—Validate rendering and mosaic rules using the image service.

Child resources

The ImageServer resource provides the following child resources.

  • Colormap—Return the color map (RGB color representation of pixel values) attached to the image service or its raster function templates.
  • Histograms—Return the histogram attached to the image service.
  • Image Tile—Return a precooked image tile at a specific level, row, and column combination.
  • Image Service Info—Provide access to the following image service information resources: iteminfo, metadata, and thumbnail.
    • Item Information—Return the item information card for the service, such as description, summary, and tags.
    • Image Service Metadata—Return XML formatted image service metadata info.
    • Image Service Thumbnail—Return the thumbnail image of the image service.
  • Key Properties—Return the key properties of the image service.
  • KML Image—Return a ground overlay document wrapped in a .kmz file.
  • Legend—Return the legend of the image service.
  • Multidimensional Info—Return the variables and dimensions information of the image service.
  • Raster Attribute Table—Return an attribute table attached to the image service or its raster function templates.
  • Raster Catalog Item—Return catalog field values of the selected raster item.
    • Raster Image—Return a composite image for the selected raster catalog item.
    • Raster Info—Return basic raster information of the selected raster catalog item, such as its width, height, number of bands, and pixel type.
      • Image Support Data—Return the NITF file structure and contents in XML format to provide more detailed information about a particular NITF file.
      • Raster Thumbnail—Return a thumbnail for the selected raster catalog item.
      • Raster Metadata—Return metadata for the selected raster catalog item.
      • Raster Key Properties—Return key properties for the selected raster catalog item.
      • Raster Histograms—Return histograms for the selected raster catalog item.
      • Raster ICS—Return the image coordinate system for the selected raster catalog item.
      • Raster ICS To Pixel—Return geometric transformation coefficients that can be used to perform image coordinate system [sensor: Frame] to pixel (column, row) transformation for the selected raster catalog item.
  • Raster Function Info—Return available raster function templates attached to the image service and its source mosaic dataset.
  • Raster File—Return the raw raster file resource of the image service.
  • Slices—Return the slice IDs and corresponding multidimensional definition information of the image service.
  • Statistics—Return the statistics attached to the image service.
  • WMTS—Return the WMTS resource of the image service.

Request parameters


Support for footprints has been removed at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1, and the footprints value for this parameter has been deprecated.

If option is footprints, the footprint of the image service is returned as a feature collection. This feature collection can be viewed in an ArcGIS Online map. This is only supported when the format (f) parameter is specified as json.

Value: footprints



Support for footprints has been removed at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1.

The spatial reference of the geometry returned in footprints. This parameter is supported only when option is specified as footprints. The spatial reference should be specified as a well-known ID. If outSR is not specified, the geometry is returned in GCS_WGS_1984.


The rendering rule for how the requested image will be processed is specified. The response is updated service information that reflects a custom processing as defined by the rendering rule. For example, if renderingRule contains an attributeTable function, the response will indicate "hasRasterAttributeTable" as true; if the renderingRule contains functions that alter the number of bands, the response will indicate the correct bandCount value.

See Raster function objects for the syntax and examples.


The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | kmz | lyr

Example usage

Below are two examples for the ImageServer resource.

Example one

The following is a sample request URL used to access an image service:

JSON Response syntax

  "currentVersion": <currentVersion>,
  "serviceDescription": "<serviceDescription>",
  "name": "<name>",//name of the service
  "description": "<description>",
  "extent": {<extent>},//extent of the service
  "initialExtent": {<envelope>}, //Initial extent of the service.
  "fullExtent": {<envelope>}, //Full extent of the service.
  "timeInfo": { //Optional. Time information of the service.
    "startTimeField": "<startTimeField>",//The name of the attribute used as start time.
    "endTimeField": "<endTimeField>",//The name of the attribute used as end time.
    "timeExtent": [<startTime>, <endTime>],//The time extent of the service (start/end), represented using "Epoch time": milliseconds since 1970.
    "timeReference": null//The time reference of the service
  "pixelSizeX": <pixelSizeX>,//The base pixel size in X dimension. It's usually the source resolution of single raster service, or best available raster resolution in a mosaic dataset (can be multiresolution, multi-source).
  "pixelSizeY": <pixelSizeY>,//The base pixel size in Y dimension. It's usually the source resolution of single raster service, or best available raster resolution in a mosaic dataset (can be multiresolution, multi-source).
  "meanPixelSize": <meanPixelSize>, //Introduced at 11.2. The mean pixel size in meters is calculated from pixel size X,Y and unit of the spatial reference.
  "bandCount": <bandCount>,//Number of bands of the image service.
  "pixelType": "<pixelType>",//Represents pixel type, e.g., U8 means unsigned 8bit; F32 means float 32bit; S16 means signed 16bit
  "minPixelSize": <minPixelSize>,//Minimum pixel size.
  "maxPixelSize": <maxPixelSize>,//Maximum pixel size.
  "copyrightText": "<copyrightText>",//Copyright text.
  "serviceDataType": "<serviceDataType>",//Type of service data, can be: 
  "minValues": [<minValue1>, <minValue2>],//Minimum pixel values of all bands
  "maxValues": [<maxValue1>, <maxValue2>],//Maximum pixel values of all bands
  "meanValues": [<meanValue1>, <meanValue2>],//Mean pixel values of all bands
  "stdvValues": [<stdvValue1>, <stdvValue2>],//Standard deviation of pixel values of all bands
  "objectIdField": "<objectIdFieldName>", //Accessible fields
  "fields": [ //Editable and nullable properties are available only if image service has edit capability
      "name": "<fieldName1>",
      "type": "<fieldType1>",
      "alias": "<fieldAlias1>",
      "length": "<length1>",
      "editable": "<true | false>",
      "nullable": "<true | false>",
      "domain": <domain1>
      "name": "<fieldName2>",
      "type": "<fieldType2>",
      "alias": "<fieldAlias1>",
      "length": "<length2>",
      "editable": "<true | false>",
      "nullable": "<true | false>",
      "domain": <domain2>
  "capabilities": "<capabilities>", /Comma-separated list of supported capabilities, e.g., "Image,Metadata,Pixels,Catalog,Download,Mensuration,Edit,Uploads".
  "defaultCompressionQuality": "<defaultCompressionQuality>", //Default compression quality of jpeg format exported image (applies to jpg and jpgpng).
  "defaultResamplingMethod": "<defaultResamplingMethod>", //Default resampling method. 
  "maxImageHeight": <maxImageHeight>, //The maximum number of rows that the service allows in a client request.
  "maxImageWidth": <maxImageWidth>, //The maximum number of columns that the service allows in a client request.
  "defaultMosaicMethod": "<defaultMosaicMethod>", //Optional. Default mosaic method.
  "allowedMosaicMethods": "<allowedMosaicMethods>", //Optional. Comma-separated list of allowed mosaic methods. Can be one or more of the following: None,Center,NorthWest,LockRaster,ByAttribute,Nadir,Viewpoint,Seamline  (not case sensitive). Corresponds to the following enums: esriMosaicNone | esriMosaicCenter | esriMosaicNorthwest | esriMosaicLockRaster | esriMosaicAttribute | esriMosaicNadir | esriMosaicViewpoint | esriMosaicSeamline
  "sortField": "<sortField>", //Optional. Specifies the sort field of default mosaic rule when byattribute is used as the default mosaic method.
  "sortValue": <sortValue>, //Optional. Specifies the sort base value of default mosaic rule when byattribute is used as the default mosaic method. The type depends on attribute type
  "mosaicOperator": "<mosaicOperator>", //Optional. Specifies default mosaic operator.
  "maxRecordCount": <maxRecordCount>, //Optional. The maximum records returned in a query response. For single raster-based image services, the maxRecordCount is -1. 
  "maxDownloadImageCount": <maxDownloadImageCount>, //Optional. The maximum number of downloadable rasters (number of rows) that the service allows per request
  "maxDownloadSizeLimit": <maxDownloadSizeLimit>, //Optional. The maximum size of download raster request that the service allows per request
  "maxMosaicImageCount": <maxMosaicImageCount>, //Optional. The maximum number of rasters the service can mosaic per request
  "singleFusedMapCache": <true | false>, //Indicates the existence of tile resource
  "cacheDirectory": "<cacheDirectory>", //Optional. The cache directory
  "tileInfo": { //Optional. Information of tile resource
    "rows": <rows>, 
    "cols": <cols>, 
    "dpi": <dpi>, 
    "format": <format>, 
    "compressionQuality": <quality>,
    "lercError":<lercError>, //optional, double -- for cache tiles stored in lerc compression
    "origin": {<point>},
    "spatialReference": {<spatialReference>},
    "lods": [
        "level": <level1>,
        "resolution": <resolution1>,
        "scale": <scale1>
        "level": <level2>,
        "resolution": <resolution2>,
        "scale": <scale2>
  "storageInfo": { //Introduced at 11.1
    "storageFormat": "<esriMapCacheStorageModeExploded | esriMapCacheStorageModeCompact | esriMapCacheStorageModeCompactV2>",
    "packetSize": 128
		"transposeInfo": { //New in 11.0. Optional. Information of transposed tile resource 
  	 "cols": 8,
  	 "rows": 8
  "minScale": <minScale>, //The denominator of the minimum scale at which caching may be available. It's 0 for not cached service. 
  "maxScale": <maxScale>, //The denominator of the maximum scale at which caching may be available. It's 0 for not cached service. 
  "allowRasterFunction": [<allowRasterFunction>], //Indicates whether the service allows raster functions in request
  "rasterFunctionInfos":   [ //Optional. Specifies the supported raster function templates the client can invoke. The first one is applied to exportImage request by default
      "name": "<name>",
      "description": "<description>",
      "help": "<help>"
  "editFieldsInfo": { //Optional. Editor tracking fields information.
    "creationDateField": "<creationDateField>",
    "creatorField": "<creatorField>",
    "editDateField": "<editDateField>",
    "editorField": "<editorField>"
  "ownershipBasedAccessControlForRasters": { //Optional. Ownership-based access (update/delete) control information.
    "allowOthersToUpdate": <true | false>,
    "allowOthersToDelete": <true | false>
  "rasterTypeInfos": [ //Optional. Supported raster types in add rasters operation
      "name": "<name>",
      "description": "<description>",
      "help": "<help>"
  "mensurationCapabilities": "<mensurationCapabilities>", //Mensuration capabilities, one or more in "Basic,Base-Top Height,Top-Top Shadow Height,Base-Top Shadow Height,3D"
  "inspectionCapabilities": "<inspectionCapabilities>", //Inspection capabilities, one or more in "Nadir, Oblique, Hero"
  "hasHistograms": <true | false>,  //Indicates the existence of histograms resource.
  "hasColormap": <true | false>,
  "hasRasterAttributeTable": <true | false>, //Indicates the existence of raster attribute table resource.
  "spatialReference" : {<spatialReference>},
  "allowComputeTiePoints":<true | false>,
  "useStandardizedQueries":<true | false>,
  "supportsStatistics":<true | false>,
  "supportsAdvancedQueries":<true | false>,
  "hasMultidimensions":<true | false>,
  "advancedQueryCapabilities": {
    "useStandardizedQueries": <true | false>,
    "supportsStatistics": <true | false>,
    "supportsOrderBy": <true | false>,
    "supportsDistinct": <true | false>,
    "supportsPagination": <true | false>

JSON Response example

  "currentVersion": 10.3,
  "serviceDescription": "Test Image Service Description",
  "name": "wsiearth.tif",
  "description": "wsiearth.tif",
  "extent": {
    "xmin": -180,
    "ymin": -90,
    "xmax": 180,
    "ymax": 90,
    "spatialReference": {
      "wkid": 4326,
      "latestWkid": 4326
	 "initialExtent": {
    "xmin": -180,
    "ymin": -90,
    "xmax": 180,
    "ymax": 90,
    "spatialReference": {
      "wkid": 4326,
      "latestWkid": 4326
	 "fullExtent": {
    "xmin": -180,
    "ymin": -90,
    "xmax": 180,
    "ymax": 90,
    "spatialReference": {
      "wkid": 4326,
      "latestWkid": 4326
  "timeInfo": {
    "startTimeField": "AcquisitionDate",
    "endTimeField": "",
    "timeExtent": [
    "timeReference": null
  "pixelSizeX": 30.386,
  "pixelSizeY": 30.386,
  "meanPixelSize": 338255404.724
  "bandCount": 3,
  "pixelType": "U8",
  "minPixelSize": 0.0,
  "maxPixelSize": 0.0,
  "copyrightText": "ESRI",
  "editFieldsInfo": {
    "creationDateField": "DateCreated",
    "creatorField": "CreationUser",
    "editDateField": "DateModified",
    "editorField": "LastUser",
	   "realm": "myserver"
  "ownershipBasedAccessControlForRasters": {
    "allowOthersToUpdate": false,
    "allowOthersToDelete": false
  "serviceDataType": "esriImageServiceDataTypeRGB",
  "minValues": [
  "maxValues": [
  "meanValues": [
  "stdvValues": [
  "objectIdField": "OBJECTID",
  "fields": [
      "name": "OBJECTID",
      "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
      "alias": "OBJECTID",
      "domain": null,
      "editable": false,
      "nullable": false
      "name": "Shape",
      "type": "esriFieldTypeGeometry",
      "alias": "Shape",
			   "domain": null,
			   "editable": false,
			   "nullable": false
      "name": "Name",
      "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
      "alias": "Name",
      "domain": null,
      "editable": true,
      "nullable": true,
      "length": 50
      "name": "Category",
      "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
      "alias": "Category",
      "domain": {
        "type": "codedValue",
        "name": "MosaicCatalogItemCategoryDomain",
        "codedValues": [
            "name": "Unknown",
            "code": 0
            "name": "Primary",
            "code": 1
            "name": "Overview",
            "code": 2
            "name": "Unprocessed Overview",
            "code": 3
            "name": "Partial Overview",
            "code": 4
            "name": "Uploaded",
            "code": 253
            "name": "Incomplete",
            "code": 254
            "name": "Custom",
            "code": 255
      "editable": false,
      "nullable": true
  "capabilities": "Image,Metadata,Pixels,Catalog,Download",
  "defaultMosaicMethod": "Center",
  "allowedMosaicMethods": "Center,NorthWest,LockRaster,ByAttribute,Nadir,Viewpoint,Seamline",
  "maxRecordCount": 500,
  "maxImageHeight": 4100,
  "maxImageWidth": 15000,
  "defaultResamplingMethod": "Bilinear",
  "maxDownloadImageCount": 20,
  "maxDownloadSizeLimit": 2048,
  "maxMosaicImageCount": 20,
  "singleFusedMapCache": true,
  "tileInfo": {
    "rows": 256,
    "cols": 256,
    "dpi": 96,
    "format": "Mixed",
    "compressionQuality": 75,
    "origin": {
      "x": -5120900,
      "y": 9998100
    "storageInfo": {
      "storageFormat": "esriMapCacheStorageModeCompact",
      "packetSize": 128
    "spatialReference": {"wkt": "PROJCS[\"WGS_84_UTM_zone_12N\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_WGS_1984\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_1984\",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Transverse_Mercator\"],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",500000.0],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0.0],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-111.0],PARAMETER[\"scale_factor\",0.9996],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",0.0],UNIT[\"Meter\",1.0]]"},
    "lods": [
        "level": 0,
        "resolution": 529.1677250021168,
        "scale": 2000000
        "level": 1,
        "resolution": 264.5838625010584,
        "scale": 1000000
        "level": 2,
        "resolution": 132.2919312505292,
        "scale": 500000
        "level": 3,
        "resolution": 66.1459656252646,
        "scale": 250000
        "level": 4,
        "resolution": 33.0729828126323,
        "scale": 125000
  "allowRasterFunction": true,
  "rasterFunctionInfos": [
      "name": "NDVIWithColormap",
      "description": "A raster function template.",
      "help": ""
  "rasterTypeInfos": [
      "name": "Raster Dataset",
      "description": "Supports all ArcGIS Raster Datasets",
      "help": ""
  "mensurationCapabilities": "Basic, Base-Top Height",
  "hasHistograms": true,
  "hasColormap": false,
  "hasRasterAttributeTable": false,
  "hasMultidimensions": true,
  "allowComputeTiePoints": false,
  "useStandardizedQueries": true,
  "spatialReference" : {
    "wkid" : 4326,
    "latestWkid": 4326
  "advancedQueryCapabilities": {
    "useStandardizedQueries": true,
    "supportsStatistics": true,
    "supportsOrderBy": true,
    "supportsDistinct": true,
    "supportsPagination": true

Example two

Below is a sample request URL that demonstrates how to request a footprint for a service:

JSON Response syntax

  "featureCollection": {
    "layers": [
        "layerDefinition": {
          "type": "Feature Layer",
          "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
          "extent": {
          "objectIdField": "id",
          "displayFieldName": "<displayFieldName>",
          "drawingInfo": {
            "renderer": {
              "type": "simple",
              "label": "<label>",
              "description": "",
              "symbol": {
                "height": 24,
                "xoffset": 0,
                "yoffset": 0,
                "width": 24,
                "contentType": "image/png",
                "type": "esriPMS",
                "imageData": "<imageData>",
                "url": "<imageUrl>"
          "fields": [
              "name": "id",
              "alias": "ID",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeOID"
              "name": "title",
              "alias": "Title",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "summary",
              "alias": "Summary",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "description",
              "alias": "Description",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "tags",
              "alias": "Tags",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "type",
              "alias": "Type",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "thumbnail",
              "alias": "Thumbnail",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "xmin",
              "alias": "xmin",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
              "name": "ymin",
              "alias": "ymin",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
              "name": "xmax",
              "alias": "xmax",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
              "name": "ymax",
              "alias": "ymax",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble"
              "name": "accessInformation",
              "alias": "Access Information",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "licenseInfo",
              "alias": "License Information",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "credits",
              "alias": "Credits",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "link",
              "alias": "Link",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
              "name": "arcgisJslink",
              "alias": "ArcgisJsLink",
              "type": "esriFieldTypeString"
        "featureSet": {
          "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
          "spatialReference": {
            "wkid": <wkid>
          "features": [
              "geometry": {
              "attributes": {
                "id": 1,
                "title": "<title>",
                "summary": "<summary>",
                "description": "<description>",
                "tags": "[\"<tag1>\,\"<tag2>\"]",
                "type": "ImageServer",
                "thumbnail": "<thumbnailUrl>",
                "xmin": <xmin>,
                "ymin": <ymin>,
                "xmax": <xmax>,
                "ymax": <ymax>,
                "accessInformation": "<accessInformation>",
                "licenseInfo": "<licenseInfo>",
                "credits": "<credits>",
                "link": "<serviceResourceLink>",
                "arcgisJslink": "<View in JSAPI Link>"
        "popupInfo": {
          "title": "{title} ({type})",
          "fieldInfos": [
              "fieldName": "id",
              "label": "ID",
              "visible": false
              "fieldName": "title",
              "label": "Title",
              "visible": true
              "fieldName": "summary",
              "label": "Summary",
              "visible": true
              "fieldName": "description",
              "label": "Description",
              "visible": true
              "fieldName": "tags",
              "label": "Tags",
              "visible": true
              "fieldName": "type",
              "label": "Type",
              "visible": true
              "fieldName": "thumbnail",
              "label": "Thumbnail",
              "visible": false
              "fieldName": "xmin",
              "label": "xmin",
              "format": {
                "places": 2,
                "digitSeparator": false
              "visible": false
              "fieldName": "ymin",
              "label": "ymin",
              "format": {
                "places": 2,
                "digitSeparator": false
              "visible": false
              "fieldName": "xmax",
              "label": "xmax",
              "format": {
                "places": 2,
                "digitSeparator": false
              "visible": false
              "fieldName": "ymax",
              "label": "ymax",
              "format": {
                "places": 2,
                "digitSeparator": false
              "visible": false
              "fieldName": "accessInformation",
              "label": "Access Information",
              "visible": true
              "fieldName": "licenseInfo",
              "label": "License Information",
              "visible": true
              "fieldName": "credits",
              "label": "Credits",
              "visible": true
              "fieldName": "link",
              "label": "Link",
              "visible": true
          "description": null,
          "showAttachments": false,
          "mediaInfos": [
              "type": "image",
              "caption": "Initial Extent: [{xmin}, {ymin}] - [{xmax}, {ymax}]",
              "value": {
                "sourceURL": "{thumbnail}",
                "linkURL": "{arcgisJslink}"

JSON Response example

  "featureCollection": {
    "layers": [
        "layerDefinition": {
          "type": "Feature Layer",
          "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
          "extent": {
            "xmin": -13847325.10565813,
            "ymin": 3833856.441897385,
            "xmax": -12704325.10565813,
            "ymax": 5161307.765959541,
            "spatialReference": {
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