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Linear Referencing Service

Disponible con licencia de Location Referencing.



The ArcGIS Location Referencing license is required to use this resource.

Linear referencing services provide access to the data, metadata, and behaviors of a linear referencing system (LRS) in a geodatabase. The root linear referencing resource contains lists of the LRS related layers and LRS workspaces in your published map.


REST operations that involve network editing are only supported in services with the linear referencing and version management (branch versioning) capability enabled.

Request parameters


Optional parameter to specify the response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json

Example usage

The following examples demonstrate how to construct a URL using this service.


URL for the "MyLRS" linear referencing service.


JSON Response syntax

  "currentVersion": <currentVersion>,
  "capabilities": "<capabilities>",
  "networkLayers": [
    { "id" : <layerId1>, "name" : "<layerName1>", "type" : "<layerType1>", },
    { "id" : <layerId2>, "name" : "<layerName2>", "type" : "<layerType2>", },
  "eventLayers": [
    { "id" : <layerId1>, "name" : "<layerName1>", "type" : "<layerType1>", },
    { "id" : <layerId2>, "name" : "<layerName2>", "type" : "<layerType2>", },
  "centerlineLayers": [
    { "id" : <layerId1>, "name" : "<layerName1>", "type" : "<layerType1>", }
  "utilityNetworkLayers": [
    { "id" : <layerId1>, "name" : "<layerName1>", "type" : "<layerType1>", }
  "editLogTableFields": {
    "objectIdFieldName": "<objectIdFieldName>",
    "transactionIdFieldName": "<transactionIdFieldName>",
    "transactionDateFieldName": "<transactionDateFieldName>",
    "userNameFieldName": "<userNameFieldName>",
    "activityTypeFieldName": "<activityTypeFieldName>",
    "lrsIdFieldName": "<lrsIdFieldName>",
    "networkIdFieldName": "<networkIdFieldName>",
    "routeIdFieldName": "<routeIdFieldName>",
    "toRouteIdFieldName": "<toRouteIdFieldName>",
    "fromDateFieldName": "<fromDateFieldName>",
    "toDateFieldName": "<toDateFieldName>",
    "editDataFieldName": "<editDataFieldName>",
    "processedFieldName": "<processedFieldName>",
    "processedTimeFieldName": "<processedTimeFieldName>",
    "processedUserFieldName": "<processedUserFieldName>",
    "processedVersionFieldName": "<processedVersionFieldName>"
  "lrs": [
      "id": "<id>",
      "name": "<name>",
      "description": "<description>",
      "versions": [  // only for versioned LRS workspaces
          "name": "<versionName1>",
          "description": "<description1>",
          "access": "<access1>",  // one of: esriVersionAccessPublic, esriVersionAccessProtected, esriVersionAccessPrivate
          "parentVersion": "<parentVersion1>"
          "name": "<versionName2>",
          "description": "<description2>",
          "access": "<access2>",
          "parentVersion": "<parentVersion2>"

JSON Response example

  "currentVersion" : 11.2,
  "capabilities" : "EventEditing",
  "networkLayers" : [
    { "id" : 0, "name" : "Pipes", "type" : "esriLRSNetworkLayer" }
  "eventLayers" : [
    { "id" : 1, "name" : "Valves", "type" : "esriLRSPointEventLayer" },
    { "id" : 2, "name" : "Pressure", "type" : "esriLRSLinearEventLayer" }
  "centerlineLayers": [
    { "id" : 3, "name" : "Centerline", "type" : "esriLRSCenterlineLayer", }
  "utilityNetworkLayers": [
    { "id" : 3, "name" : "Centerline", "type" : "esriLRSUtilityNetworkLayer", }
  "editLogTableFields": {
    "objectIdFieldName": "ObjectId",
    "transactionIdFieldName": "TransactionId",
    "transactionDateFieldName": "TransactionDate",
    "userNameFieldName": "UserName",
    "activityTypeFieldName": "ActivityType",
    "lrsIdFieldName": "LrsId",
    "networkIdFieldName": "NetworkId",
    "routeIdFieldName": "RouteId",
    "toRouteIdFieldName": "ToRouteId",
    "fromDateFieldName": "FromDate",
    "toDateFieldName": "ToDate",
    "editDataFieldName": "EditData",
    "processedFieldName": "Processed",
    "processedTimeFieldName": "ProcessedTime",
    "processedUserFieldName": "ProcessedUser",
    "processedVersionFieldName": "ProcessedVersion"
  "lrs" : [
      "id" : "DFB23B7D-69D1-460F-B7E0-0FB190D23B96",
      "name" : "LRS",
      "description" : "",
      "versions" : [
        { "name" : "sde.DEFAULT", "description" : "Default version", "access" : "esriVersionAccessPublic", "parentVersion" : null },
        { "name" : "sde.QC", "description" : "QC checks", "access" : "esriVersionAccessPublic", "parentVersion" : "sde.DEFAULT" }