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Acquire Locks

Disponible con licencia de Location Referencing.



The ArcGIS Location Referencing license is required to use this resource.

This operation acquires a set of LRS locks to enable edits on the editable LRS layers in the service.

An error response is returned when conflict prevention is not enabled on the LRS. Refer to the conflictPreventionEnabled property of the Locks resource.


An existing route, line or event lock is automatically transferred from the existing lock owner to the lock requestor if the following conditions are met:

  • The existing lock version is public.
  • The lock request is made in the same version as the existing lock version.
  • If the existing lock version is a child version, then the existing lock owner does not currently have an edit session open in that version. If the lock version is the default version, then the lock owner does not currently have a read session open in the default version.

Request parameters


Optional parameter to specify the response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json



Description: The name of the geodatabase version to associate with the locks.

Syntax: editVersion=<version>

Example: editVersion="user1.version1"


Description: Optional parameter to specify locks to acquire. You can lock a network or an event layer on a route or line. Derived network layers cannot be locked.


    "routeId" : "<routeId>",
    "layerId" : <layerId>
    "lineId" : "<lineId>",
    "layerId" : <layerId>


Example usage

The following are sample URLs for acquiring locks:

Example 1

The following is a URL for acquiring a single lock.


Example 2

The following is a URL for acquiring multiple locks.

https://sampleserver/arcgis/rest/services/MyLRS/MapServer/exts/LRServer/locks/acquire?f=json&editVersion=sde.job_42&acquireLocks=[{"routeId":"I90","layerId":3},{"lineId":"NWS Line A","layerId":4}]

JSON Response syntax

  "acquireStatus" : "<status>",  // one of: esriSuccess, esriReconcileRequired, esriCouldNotAcquireAllLocks
  "acquiredLocks" : [
      "routeId" : "<routeId>",
      "layerId" : <layerId>
      "lineId" : "<lineId>",
      "layerId" : <layerId>
  ] |
  "unavailableLocks" : [
      "lineId" : "<lineId>",
      "lineName" : "<lineName>",
      "layerId" : <layerId>,
      "lrsNetworkId" : <networkId>,
      "lrsNetworkName" : "<networkName>",
      "user" : "<username>",
      "versionName" : "<versionName>",
      "versionGuid": "<versionGuid>",
      "lockDate" : <timestamp>,
      "eventFeatureClassName": "<eventFeatureClassName>"

JSON Response example

  "acquireStatus" : "esriCouldNotAcquireAllLocks",

  "unavailableLocks" : [
      "routeId": "{50918F06-7D4C-43D4-B39A-3AA02E9CF075}",
      "routeName": "RouteA",
      "layerId": 2,
      "lrsNetworkId": 1,
      "lrsNetworkName" : "LRSN_Cont",
      "user": "alice",
      "versionName": "alice.job_65",
      "versionGuid": "{DA09CF20-D98A-4F80-8599-061C21B2C3D9}",
      "lockDate": 1397509340000,
      "eventFeatureClassName": ""
      "lineId": "{9AF33B43-2BFE-4EA1-96FB-152E6CF7CA3B}",
      "lineName": "LineB",
      "layerId": 6,
      "lrsNetworkId": 2,
      "lrsNetworkName" : "LRSN_Engg",
      "user": "bob",
      "versionName": "bob.job_67",
      "versionGuid": "{FC4818D6-974E-4020-85C5-9DAA0FD539E0}",
      "lockDate": 1397509340000,
      "eventFeatureClassName": "P_Anomaly"