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/[webhookID]: Webhook

Example usage

The following is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise request URL used to access an individual webhook resource:


An individual webhook resource displays information for a specific webhook and provides access to the Update Webhook, Delete Webhook, and Deactivate Webhook operations, as well as the Notification Status resource page.


ArcGIS Enterprise supports organization, feature service, and geoprocessing webhooks. The Directorio de Portal for ArcGIS allows for the creation and management of organization webhooks, whereas the ArcGIS Server Administrative API Directory supports the creation and management of geoprocessing and feature service webhooks. For information on how to configure service webhooks in ArcGIS Enterprise, see either the ArcGIS Server Admin API webhook documentation or the Manage webhooks in ArcGIS Enterprise administrative documentation. ArcGIS Online also supports feature service webhooks, which are managed in the ArcGIS Online Administrative Services Directory. To learn more about ArcGIS Online feature service webhooks, see the Web Hooks API documentation.

Request parameters


The response format. The default format is html.

Values: html | json | pjson

JSON Response example

  "id": "35f930b31df64b62873127613d047a1b",
  "accountId": "0123456789ABCDEF",
  "payloadUrl": "",
  "secret": "",
  "isActive": true,
  "name": "Microsoft Flow",
  "config": {
    "deactivationPolicy": {
      "numberOfFailures": 5,
      "daysInPast": 5
  "ownerId": "86ccfe86be2d490a8507eaea82749dc6",
  "modifiedId": "86ccfe86be2d490a8507eaea82749dc6", //Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.1
  "created": 1548289054928,
  "modified": 1548289054928,
  "events": [

JSON Response example for ArcGIS Notebook Server

  "id": "35f930b31df64b62873127613d047a1b",
  "accountId": "0123456789ABCDEF",
  "payloadUrl": "",
  "secret": "",
  "isActive": true,
  "name": "Microsoft Flow",
  "config": {
    "deactivationPolicy": {
      "numberOfFailures": 5,
      "daysInPast": 5
    "properties": {
     "federatedServer": {
  	   "serverId": "t4IGVvF82xlnxjLT",
  	   "ItemId": "9a401d61f15a740baa81ab0616dc222",
  	   "tokenTypeToSend": "user",
  	   "tokenExpirationTimeMinutes": "10"}}
  "ownerId": "86ccfe86be2d490a8507eaea82749dc6",
  "created": 1548289054928,
  "modified": 1548289054928,
  "events": [