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/authorize: Authorize

  • URL: https://[root]/oauth2/authorize

Example usage



The user authorization step of the OAuth2 authentication flow is described below. The overall OAuth2 authentication flow is described in Authentication.

Apps that support user logins use OAuth2 to allow users to sign in to the ArcGIS organization through the app. The authorize operation represents the login page for users to sign in to their ArcGIS organization. The login page renders an HTML form for the user to enter their credentials.

The user authentication workflow starts with the authorization step. Apps need to direct the browser to the authorize endpoint. For the authentication workflow, the client_id, response_type, and redirect_uri parameters are required.

Additional, optional parameters include the response_type parameter, which determines whether an implicit or authorization grant is used. Setting the response_type as token implies an implicit grant, and setting the response_type as code implies an authorization code grant.

Implicit grants complete the authorization workflow in a single step. The result of successful authentication is an access_token value that's delivered to the specified redirect_uri value in the URL fragment. For more information, see the Response section below.

Until recently, implicit grants were used by ArcGIS Online organization home page logins. With the March 2022 release of ArcGIS Online, the organization home page logins were updated to use Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). PKCE is an extension to authorization grant flow and is recommended for all the applications including web applications, rather than implicit grants.


Support for PKCE was introduced in 2020 for ArcGIS Online and at version 10.8.1 for ArcGIS Enterprise.

Authorization grants are used by mobile, desktop, and server-side applications, and they complete the flow in two steps. Authorization represents the first step of that flow. Successful authorization produces an authorization code value that's delivered to the specified redirect_uri value as a query parameter. See the Sample responses section below for details. The second step of the flow requires exchanging the authorization code obtained in the first step for an access_token value. This is accomplished by accessing the token end point with a grant_type of authorization_code. It is recommended that you use an authorization grant with PKCE for all applications.

Request parameters



The ID of the registered application. This is also referred to as APPID.




The URI where the access_token value or authorization code value will be delivered upon successful authorization. The URI must match one of the URIs specified during app registration; otherwise, authorization will be rejected. If registered, a special value of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob can also be specified for authorization grants. This will result in the authorization code being delivered to a portal URL (/oauth2/approval). This value is typically used by applications that don't have a web server or a custom URI scheme where the code can be delivered.




The type of grant, either implicit (token) or authorization (code).

Values: token | code



The secret of the registered application. This is also referred to as APPSECRET.



The Base64-URL-encoded SHA256 hash of the client-generated code verifier. The code verifier is a cryptographically random string using the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the punctuation characters -._~ (hyphen, period, underscore, and tilde), between 43 and 128 characters long.

Clients that cannot perform a SHA256 hash can use the plain code verifier string as the code_challenge. Using the plain code verifier provides less security benefits, so use only when necessary.




Indicates whether the code_challenge value is SHA256 hash or plain text. The default is plain.

If the value is set to plain, the authorization server will perform an exact match of the code_challenge value and the code challenge verifier. Using plain provides less security benefits, so use only when necessary.

Values: S256 | plain


Specifies the template used to render the login page. Based on the client platform, you can choose one of the supported templates for the app to render the login page. If not specified, the default template is used.

Values: default | iframe | win8


The requested validity, specified in minutes, of the access_token value for implicit grants or refresh_token value for authorization grants. For implicit grants, the default validity of the access_token value is 120 minutes. The expiration parameter, if specified, overrides the validity period up to a maximum of 20,160 minutes (two weeks).

For authorization grants, the default validity of the access_token value is 30 minutes and cannot be increased. The default validity of the refresh_token value is 20,160 minutes (two weeks). The expiration parameter, if specified, overrides the validity period of the refresh_token parameter up to a maximum of 90 days.

Example of two weeks


Organization administrators can specify the maximum validity period of tokens for their organization that supersedes the expiration parameter through the maxTokenExpirationMinutes parameter. An access_token value can become invalid before it expires, such as when a user changes their password. When it expires or is invalid, an error response similar to the following will be returned:

    "error": {
        "code": 498,
        "message": "Invalid Token",
        "details": []


The locale assumed to render the login page. The user's locale can be passed using this parameter. The login page will be rendered using the language corresponding to that locale. If not specified, the locale is based on the organization's setting or on the incoming request.



An opaque value used by applications to maintain state between authorization requests and responses. The state value, if specified, will be delivered back to the redirect_uri value as is. Use this parameter to correlate the authorization request sent with the received response.



Specifies, the color scheme used to render the login page regardless of browser or operating system settings. If not specified, the style will follow the browser or OS color scheme if designated. The light option is the default style when there is no designation.

Values: light | dark

Sample responses

Implicit grant

The access_token value will be delivered to the specified redirect_uri value in the URL fragment.


expires_in represents the token expiration in seconds from now.

Explicit grant

The authorization code value will be delivered to the specified redirect_uri value as a query parameter.


If the special value of urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob is specified for the redirect_uri parameter, the authorization code will be delivered to a portal URL (/oauth2/approval). This URL will render an HTML page, and the code can be extracted from the <title> element of the page.


The <title> element of the rendered HTML page will include the following code :

<title>SUCCESS code=KIV31WkDhY6XIWXmWAc6U</title>


For all examples, assume this endpoint:

Implicit grant

Assume these parameters:


Explicit grant

Assume these parameters:


PKCE flow

Assume these parameters:
