- URL:https://[root]/portals/[portalID]/update(POST only)
Example usage
Below is a sample ArcGIS Enterprise POST request for the update operation:
POST /webadaptor/sharing/rest/portals/0123456789ABCDEF/update HTTP/1.1
Host: machine.domain.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: []
name=ArcGIS Enterprise&description=&featuredItemsGroupQuery=&thumbnail=&culture=en&cultureFormat=®ion=&units=english&homePageFeaturedContentCount=&homePageFeaturedContent=&basemapGalleryGroupQuery=&templatesGroupQuery=&layerTemplatesGroupQuery=&symbolSetsGroupQuery=&colorSetsGroupQuery=&analysisLayersGroupQuery=livingAtlasGroupQuery=title:"Living Atlas" AND owner:esri_livingatlas&stylesGroupQuery=&2DStylesGroupQuery=&featuredGroups=[{"owner":"admin","title":"Featured Maps and Apps"}]&defaultBasemap=&defaultExtent=&rotatorPanels=&showHomePageDescription=&backgroundImage=&helpBase=&metadataEditable=false&metadataFormats=&useVectorBasemaps=true&bingKey=&defaultUserCreditAssignment=-1&geocodeService=&routeServiceLayer=&geometryService=&elevation3DService=&printServiceTask={"templates":[{"layout":"MAP_ONLY","format":"PNG32","label":"Map Only"}],"url":"https://machine.domain.com/server/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map%20Task"}&closestFacilityService=asyncClosestFacilityService=serviceAreaService=asyncServiceAreaService=syncVRPService=asyncVRPService=geoenrichmentService=analysisService={"url":"https://machine.domain.com/server/rest/services/System/SpatialAnalysisTools/GPServer"}&trafficService=&asyncRouteService=&asyncODCostMatrixService=&asyncLocationAllocationService=&routingUtilitiesService=&elevationService=&elevationSyncService=&hydrologyService=&rasterAnalyticsService=&orthoMappingService=&orthomappingElevationService=&rasterUtilitiesService={"url":"https://machine.domain.com/server/rest/services/Utilities/RasterUtilities/GPServer"}&locationTrackingService=&routingServicesSource={"sourceName": "ArcGISOnline","agoUsername": "agoExampleAdmin","firstName": "Example","lastName": "Admin"}&geoanalyticsService=&asyncGeocodeService={"url":"https://machine.domain.com/server/rest/services/Utilities/GeocodingTools/GPServer"}&packagingService={"url":"https://machine.domain.com/server/rest/services/Utilities/OfflinePackaging/GPServer"}&trafficDataService=&odCostMatrixService=&urlKey=&urlHostname=&canSearchPublic=true&canSharePublic=true&allowedOrigins=&allowedExternalLinks=&canShareBingPublic=&authorizedCrossOriginDomains=&authorizedCrossOriginNoCorsDomains=&allowedRedirectUris=&access=public&allSSL=true&useStandardizedQuery=true&canSigninArcGIS=true&canSigninIDP=true&canSigninSocial=false&canSigninOIDC=true&commentsEnabled=false&maxTokenExpirationMinutes=-1&updateUserProfileDisabled=false¬ificationsEnabled=false&contacts=["admin"]&platformSSO=false&orgUrl=&orgEmail=&orgPhone=&portalProperties={"homePage"="modernOnly"}&f=pjson
The update operation allows administrators to update the organization's information such as the organization's name, description, thumbnail, and featured groups.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
name | The name of the organization/portal. The character limit is 250. Example
description | The description of the organization. The description can be any length. Example
featuredItemsGroupQuery | The query that identifies the group containing featured items for the gallery. Set a Group ID or, if null, the most viewed items in your organization are displayed in the gallery. |
thumbnail | The URL of the thumbnail of the organization. Acceptable image formats are PNG, GIF, and JPEG. Example
culture | The default locale (language and country) information. The format for the culture code is based on a language code and a country code separated by a dash:
cultureFormat | The preferred number and date format according to CLDR. The cultureFormat property is only applicable to English and Spanish, that is, when culture is set to en or es. See Languages for supported formats. Example
region | The region of the organization. |
units | Sets the units of measure for the organization users. The user default is derived from the organization's region. Set units to english (for U.S. standards) or metric. Values: english | metric |
homePageFeaturedContentCount | The number of featured items that can be displayed on the home page. The maximum is 100. Only integers can be used. |
homePageFeaturedContent | The group that contains featured content to be displayed on the organization home page. |
basemapGalleryGroupQuery | The query that identifies the group containing the web maps that display in the basemap gallery for Visor de mapas. |
templatesGroupQuery | The query that identifies the template group used in Visor de mapas. |
layerTemplatesGroupQuery | The query that identifies the group containing editing templates used in Visor de mapas. |
symbolSetsGroupQuery | The query that identifies the symbol set group for rendering in Visor de mapas. |
colorSetsGroupQuery | The query that identifies the group containing the color sets used for rendering in Visor de mapas. |
analysisLayersGroupQuery | The query that identifies the group containing the layers shown in the Analysis Layers gallery for the analysis tools. |
featuredGroups | The featured groups for the organization highlighted on the Groups page in the portal home app. |
defaultBasemap | The default basemap displayed in Visor de mapas. |
defaultExtent | The default extent of the organization, used when users create a new web map. Example
rotatorPanels | Custom HTML for the organization home page. |
showHomePageDescription | If true, the description of the organization displays on the home page. Values: true | false |
backgroundImage | The background image that displays behind all other components on the home page. Accept the default background image, specify a URL for a custom background image, or specify that no background image displays. |
helpBase | Introduced at 10.8.1. It provides the base URL for your organization's help documentation, setting the help topic provider as either a publicly available or installed source. By default, the source is set to the local, installed source. When internet is available, you can enable the option to deliver help topics from Esri's public web help from the Enterprise portal home app (Organization > Settings > General). The documentation source only has an impact on documentation accessed through the Enterprise portal home app and does not impact ArcGIS Server or the API REST de ArcGIS documentation. Nota:When configured for web help, if culture is set to one of the supported documentation languages, the URL will automatically be appended with the correct language code. For example, if culture is en, the helpBase URL will be updated to https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/. This change is reflected on the Portal Self resource page. To learn more about setting portal languages, see Configure general settings.Example
metadataEditable | Indicates if the organization has metadata enabled. If true, all members of the organization can view the metadata. Only item owners and administrators can update metadata. If false, no one in the organization can access the metadata. Values: true | false |
metadataFormats | Metadata style used for organization. Default is iso19139. Values: fgdc | inspire | iso19139 | iso19139-3.2 | iso19115 Example
useVectorBasemaps | If true, the organization uses the Esri vector basemaps in supported ArcGIS apps and basemapGalleryGroupQuery will not be editable and will be set to the default query. Values: true | false |
bingKey | The Bing key to use for web maps using Bing Maps. |
creditAssignments | Indicates if the organization has credit budgeting enabled. The default is disabled. Values: enabled | disabled |
defaultUserCreditAssignment | The default allocation of credits for new members. -1 for no allocated limit. Example
geocodeService | An array of ArcGIS geocode services to use for geosearch and batch geocoding. Example
routeServiceLayer | ArcGIS NASever service for synchronous route analysis. Example
elevationService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for elevation analysis. Example
elevationSyncService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for synchronous elevation analysis. Example
hydrologyService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for hydrological analysis. Example
geometryService | ArcGIS GeometryServer to use for geometry functions. Example
elevation3DService | Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC) elevation service used by ArcGIS Pro and Web Scene Viewer. Example
printServiceTask | ArcGIS PrintServer task to use for printing functionality. Example
closestFacilityService | ArcGIS NAServer service for synchronous closest-facility analysis. Example
asyncClosestFacilityService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous closest-facility analysis. Example
serviceAreaService | ArcGIS NAServer service for synchronous service-area analysis. Example
asyncServiceAreaService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous service-area analysis. Example
syncVRPService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for solving synchronous vehicle routing problems.
asyncVRPService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for solving asynchronous vehicle routing problems. Example
geoenrichmentService | ArcGIS GeoenrichmentServer. Example
analysisService | Hosted geoprocessing services that perform analyses. |
routingServicesSource | Introduced at 11.0. The routing services' source and configuration information. Examples
trafficService | ArcGIS map service for displaying traffic speeds and traffic incidents. Example
trafficDataService | Introduced at 10.8.1. ArcGIS geoprocessing service that can be used to configure live traffic with Streetmap Premium network datasets. Example
asyncRouteService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous route analysis. Example
odCostMatrixService | Introduced at 10.8.1. ArcGIS network service for synchronous origin-destination cost matrix analysis. Example
asyncODCostMatrixService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for generating origin-destination cost matrices asynchronously. Example
orthomappingElevationService | ArcGIS image service used by Ortho Maker. Example
rasterUtilitiesService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service that enables raster analysis and processing. Example
asyncLocationAllocationService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for asynchronous location-allocation network analysis. Example
asyncGeocode | ArcGIS geoprocessing service for performing batch geocoding asynchronously. Example
routingUtilitiesService | ArcGIS geoprocessing service that provides auxiliary information, such as travel modes, used by the different routing services. Example
symbolsService | Allows updating symbol service URL used by portal. Example |
urlKey | The prefix selected by the organization's administrator to be used with the customBaseURL. For example, <urlKey>.maps.arcgis.com. |
urlHostname | A custom URL for this portal. Example
canSearchPublic | Includes or excludes public items, groups, and users in search queries. When canSearchPublic is false, no public items outside of the organization are included in searches. However, public items that are part of the organization are returned. The default is true. Values: true | false |
canSharePublic | Indicates whether an organization can share groups or items publicly. When canSharePublic is set to false, content cannot be shared with everyone. The default is true. Values: true | false |
allowedOrigins | An array of up to 100 web application domains to restrict CORS access to the REST API. |
canShareBingPublic | The Bing key can be shared to the public and is returned as part of a portal's call (/sharing/rest/portals/<orgid>). This requires the access of the portal to be set as public. The canShareBingPublic property is not returned publicly but only shown to the users within the organization. |
authorizedCrossOriginDomains | An array of trusted servers that clients can send credentials to when making Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests to access web-tier secured services. |
authorizedCrossOriginNoCorsDomains | Introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. An array of trusted servers that JavaScript clients will initially send direct requests to handle authentication prior to making any cross-origin (CORS) requests. All trusted servers must already be listed in the authorizedCrossOriginDomains parameter prior to being added to this parameter. This parameter is only supported in ArcGIS Enterprise. |
allowedRedirectUris | A JSON array of allowed redirect URIs which represent portal instances that you share secure content with. This will allow your organization users to be able to use enterprise logins to access the secured content through web applications hosted on these portals. |
access | Determines who can view your organization as an anonymous user. Setting to public allows anonymous users to access your organization's custom URL. Setting to private restricts access to only members of your organization. The default is public. Values: private | public |
allSSL | Indicates whether the organization is using HTTPS. If set to true, all calls made using resources that belong to the organization require HTTPS. The default is false. Values: true | false |
useStandardizedQuery | If true, only simple WHERE clauses that are compliant with SQL92 can be used when querying layers and tables. The recommended security setting is true. Values: true | false |
canSigninArcGIS | Allows an organization with an enterprise IDP configured to be able to turn on or off the ArcGIS sign in option. The default is true. Values: true | false |
canSigninIDP | Allows an organization with an enterprise IDP configured to be able to turn on or off the enterprise sign in. The default is true. Values: true | false |
commentsEnabled | Allows the organization to disable commenting. The default is true. When commentsEnabled is false, comments are hidden and not removed. numComments is set to zero for all items in the organization. Calls to add a comment and view comments will fail. If the organization reenables comments, the comments display and numComments is restored. Values: true | false |
maxTokenExpirationMinutes | The maximum validity in minutes of both OAuth and nonOAuth tokens issued for users of the organization. The default value is -1, which allows a maximum of 2 weeks for OAuth access tokens and ArcGIS tokens (nonOAuth), and a maximum of 90 days for OAuth refresh tokens. These are the maximum values supported. Specifying a smaller value will impact all three types of tokens (ArcGIS, OAuth access, and OAuth refresh). |
updateUserProfileDisabled | Indicates whether organization members are allowed to edit their biographical information and who can see their profiles. Values: true | false |
contacts | An array of chosen administrators listed as points of contact whose email addresses will be listed as points of contact in the automatic email notifications sent to org members when they request password resets, help with their user names, modifications to their accounts, or any issues related to the allocation of credits to their accounts. Example
portalProperties | Stores properties specific to the organization (for example, the Contact Us link, Home Page, Map Viewer and Search configuration). If the organization is public, the properties are visible to anonymous user. |
clearEmptyFields | Clears any fields that are passed in empty (for example, name, description). |
f | The response format. The default format is html. Values: html | json | pjson |
Supported documentation languages
Supported documentation language | Culture property |
Arabic | ar |
Brazilian Portugese | pt-BR |
French | fr |
German | de |
Italian | it |
Japanese | ja |
Korean | ko |
Polish | pl |
Russian | ru |
Simplified Chinese | zh-CN |
Spanish | es-ES |
Response properties
Property | Details |
success | Indicates if the operation was successful. |
orgId | The ID of the modified organization. |
JSON Response syntax
"success": true | false,
"orgId": "<organization id>"
JSON Response example
"success": true,
"orgId": "fa019fbbfbb845d08cc9f0acde6dd8af"